Reasons for a Heart Attack in a Young Person 


 Healthy Heart :  Causes and Remedies

In today's fast paced life, we never know when we may fall prey to any disease. Sometimes we keep getting to hear something or the other about heart attack and sometimes serious illness. Bad cholesterol is directly related to high BP, obesity, kidney disease and diabetes. In today's post, we will talk about why today's youth are suffering from heart disease and what are the reasons behind it.

reason for heart attack in young person 

What is Heart Attack : 

By the way, there are many types of heart diseases, they can occur at any time from birth and their symptoms are also different. But especially if we talk about heart disease, then if there is a blockage in the vein or artery of the heart which supplies blood, then there is a risk of heart diseaseHowever, a severe spasm or sudden narrowing of a coronary artery can stop the blood supply to the heart muscle and cause a heart attack.

What is the cause of Heart Attack :

  • Smoking 
  • Don't Exercise
  • Take too much Stress
  • High Cholesterol
  • Heavy Drinking
  • Obesity 
  • Eating Trans fat or Saturated fat Diet
  • Heavy body building lifting

Symptoms of Heart Attack :

Some symptoms are seen during heart attack or heart attack, which if understood early can save the heart from more damage as well as save the patient's life.

Chest PainThe most common symptom of a heart attack is chest pain, which is either felt as pain or pressure in the middle or left side of the chest. It also happens for a while or happens intermittently.

Shortness of Breath Sometimes there is difficulty in breathing.

Upper body painneck and back pain 

Those six measures by which you can reduce the increased cholesterol

  • Exercise 60 minutes a week 
  • Yoga is more beneficial in reducing your fat
  • Reduce red meat and butter in food
  • Eat 150 grams of whole grains daily
  • Eat an apple or papaya daily
  • Keep your weight under control


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